Organize Your Mail and Paperwork
Do you have a pile of mail and paperwork sitting on your counter or a piece of furniture in your home? Did you try to contain it to a bin that is now overflowing with goodness knows what?
We’ve ALL been there at some point. All the papers that come into our homes can get overwhelming, and, honestly, most of the time is the last thing we want to look at or deal with.
Here are a few tips to keep all of your papers organized in a few simple steps:
Categorization should be the first step when organizing anything in your home. Put all of your papers into categories such as, things to read, things that need action (like bills), and things to toss.
Take Action.
While you are categorizing take action! If something is in the junk mail category go ahead and toss it.
Pro tip: Once the paperwork inside your home is organized, start throwing away your junk mail before it even comes into your home.
Organize and Label.
Use folders or any form of filing system of your choice to contain the items that you need to keep and label each file. You can even have a file for each member of your household if that makes sense for your family.
Here are a couple of organizing products we like to use for filing our paperwork:

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