Bathroom Organization: Makeup, Hair Products, Lotions, and Everything Else!
Do you realize how much STUFF we keep in our bathrooms!
Hair…face…body…shaving…bath…shower…personal…samples…back stock (because heaven forbid we run out of stuff)…cleaning supplies…linens… it’s a lot of stuff. Oh, and please add coffee stuff to MY list because I need my coffee maker as close to my bed as I can get it!
We need this stuff to start and end our day, right? Well, mostly we do. Let’s take a closer look at our stuff and see if we can streamline our bathroom scene. After all, do you take all this stuff with you when you travel? My guess would be no and that my friends might help you decide what you truly need.
If you read about our Chaos Method™ in last week’s blog, Lisa talked about our approach to organizing. Here is a tutorial to get you started with your bathroom organization:
The first step to organizing is always to categorize. You can start with a drawer or with the entire bathroom, but always start with putting like items together. Yes, that means you will really see how many perfume samples you have in those drawers!
Next, what items are helpful for getting ready for the day or for bed and what items are hurtful to that process? Having a junk drawer in your bathroom might take up prime real estate that is needed for items that are more helpful to the dressing or undressing process. Do the children need cabinet space in your bathroom? Mine did! Do you really need 24 towels? Maybe a better laundry schedule would be more helpful for your family. How many lotions should you have before it becomes excessive?
Too much of a good thing is certainly not a good thing. When our spaces are full of clutter or excess, we have a difficult time seeing what is in front of us. Our minds need clear space to process.
Toss, donate or keep! It’s the bathroom, so anything that is dirty, smells funny, used or unrecognizable should be tossed. If it’s clean, but you haven’t used it, donate and if it’s something you need (helpful)…KEEP! Make sure to check expiration dates!
Did you know makeup expires? Here’s a list from our fellow organizer and friend, Lauren at The Intentional Edit. (We believe in Community/Competition and love to share our good organizing information.)
When To Toss Cosmetics…
3 – 4 Months (after opening) = Mascara, Eye Liner, Eye Shadow (powder)
6 – 12 Months (after opening) = Lip gloss, Liquid Foundation, Concealer
1 Year = Lipstick
2 Years (after opening) = Powder Based Products (other than Eye Shadow)
We also found this great app about makeup carcinogens from another organizer friend, Heather of HK Power Studio!
Both organizers have great tips on makeup and product organization! Check them out!
Time to ORGANIZE! This is the fun part because now things are shaping up and going to look pretty. It’s time to find bins to contain the items. Here are a few of our favorites!
These idesign bathroom bins are plastic, clear, sturdy, have handles and are great for storing items like lotions, hair products, extra soap, etc. in your bathroom cabinets or drawers, if they are deep like mine. They are a definite “go to” item for us!
I personally like my makeup, toothbrush, and small items to be stored in a drawer because I want my counter to be clean and clear. But if you have limited drawer space like some of our clients, this makeup organizer might benefit you!
Pro Tip: Items that need to be on the counter look best if gathered on a tray like this.
These are the drawer organizers that I love! Be sure to measure your drawer as well as your items before you order to make sure you get a proper fit.
Label everything. Sure a label is no guarantee that you(Or other household members) will return items to their proper place but it increases your chances exponentially (helpful).
When I travel I like taking notice of how hotels organize their bathroom spaces. It is typically a streamlined process yet works for the majority of people. I incorporate this strategy into my guest bathroom but I also try to use these spaces as motivation for keeping my master bathroom clutter free and spa like.
Now that you have gone through our organizing process, light a candle and take a bubble bath in your spa like bathroom.